Our services

With OneSource Agency, it's simple: we take care of everything! From sourcing suppliers to importing your products, including quality control, all tasks are handled by our teams!

Here's an overview of the services we provide.

Onesource Agency is first and foremost expert in sourcing, which means finding industrial sources of production for the items you sell in your market.

We identify and recommend manufacturers who are not necessarily known to your competitors, because they are absent from international fairs and major search engines … But often very competitive.

To do this, all you need to do is provide us the specifications for the product or range you want to buy in China, as well as an evaluation of the volumes. We will conduct an investigation which, beyond offering you the choice between several sources of supply, will allow you to make a comparison and assess the price reality of the market at the source.

You want to develop a new product, to complete your range, or to bring real innovation to your market. Unfortunately, few Western manufacturers are willing to follow you on this adventure, while China offers all the necessary opportunities for the success of your project.

In accordance with your specifications, we find the industrial partners you need, selected according to their manufacturing know-how.

Then, we ensure the follow-up of all stages, from design, prototyping, production, to delivery.

Finding a supplier in China is only the first step, and not the most difficult: if the country has been nicknamed “the workshop of the world”, it is because the industries, whatever the type of products sought, abound.

More essential is the assessment of the reliability of a prospective supplier, both in terms of honesty, financial health, internal organization, and production capacity.

This verification is impossible from the West, and requires a trip to China. But travel, besides being costly in money, time, and energy, for someone unfamiliar with the culture, practices, and organization of business in China, will never replace understanding from a representative who has lived and purchased there for many years. We can do it for you. We have the expertise. But factory audit can be done upon specific request only.

It is not easy to follow a samples request made to Chinese factories from the West: you have to make sure that they reach you on time, that they were made according to your expectations, and strive to optimize the shipping. By working with several suppliers on different products to be sampled, these costs are quickly multiplied by as many shippers.

Being on site, Onesource Agency collect the samples at our premises, and check them before sending, via the courier or express transport service you wish to favor.

This approach allows to avoid disappointments as well as unnecessary loss of money, while saving you time: it is a shame to pay express shipping costs, and to lose the few days associated with transport, to finally notice that the samples do not match.

We do this verification for you before sending: it saves your time and your money.

Furthermore, starting a production does not imply that it is in perfect harmony with the samples that you have confirmed. We send someone on site, to make sure that the manufactured products are exactly what you ordered, according to the sample you confirmed.

Finally, in China, even if manufacturers have a notion of what standards are, the application of legal practices is not the same as in the West, and remains at the very least not very rigorous. For your safety, Onesource Agency collect certificates and product test reports even before initiating a sample request.

Here too, you save time and are safer, avoiding unnecessary expenditure on non-compliant samples.

The Canton Fair is internationally famous. But booths are expensive, and the demand is such that many Chinese manufacturers, who would like to exhibit there, cannot be present.

To compensate for this, there is a plethora of specialized exhibitions in China, little known in the West. Onesource Agency has listed them, and constantly updates this database. We provide you with a qualified list of those where products that may be of interest to you are exhibited.

In addition to the Canton Fair, we visit these shows for you upon request, saving you from having to travel so far and so expensive, and provide you with the catalogs of exhibitors that are of interest to your market.

At the end of the show, we follow up with the suppliers we meet to provide you with their best offers and new products.

Likewise, as we are constantly in the factories to follow your productions, we systematically visit the showrooms to inform you about the availability of new products.

As soon as you are ready to place an order with a supplier, we summarize all the technical and commercial points required with you, in order to have them validated the selected supplier. This way, we make sure there is no uncertainty or misunderstanding, before production starts.

Onesource Agency also verifies that the conditions of delivery, payment, packaging, packing, are in line with what was offered by the factory, and this before we confirm the order with the supplier.

In this way, we ensure that a potential difficulty is prevented prior to production, rather than seeing it at delivery.

By working with a schedule that ends with the delivery date, we check all the stages of production one after the other, after having listed them with the supplier.

This step-by-step understanding, more than a simple quality control, makes it possible to streamline the follow-up and, at all times of production, to ensure that there are no quality problems, but also that the delivery will occur as scheduled. You stay constantly informed of the situation through our presence on site.

Regular situation reports, progress reports, immediate, clear and detailed incident reports can inform you of in-situ observations upon request. You will thus follow the progress in real time, and have all the relevant information to maintain control of the situation and prevent deviations.

Our company can be constantly in the field, in factories, at the foot of the production lines, to check the good progress of your order, and that it informs you in time. real of its evolution.

To do this, we regularly plan visits to see the quality of the production in progress. If necessary, it also makes it possible to take corrective measures directly at the supplier’s premises, in consultation with the plant’s production department.

From the West, this constant and immediate responsiveness is simply impossible.

Unfortunately Chinese products do not shine by their quality. From the West, with the exception of travelling to China to control your production, or paying the services of a laboratory, there are not many solutions to this essential problem. And then, by experience, Quality Control, however imperative, is not enough to make sure your production matches the order you have placed: it notices problems rather than prevents them.

To overcome this eventuality, there is only one solution: you must have a trusted representative, in constant contact with your supplier, who will manage the entire order, and will follow the production through a quality process, up to delivery.

At the heart of its service, Onesource Agency ensures quality control throughout production, on site, in the factory, and remains the time necessary for the production to be in line with your qualitative wishes, as well as the legal standards.

The goods are not delivered without our approval, and a complete, detailed and photographic report is given to you after each control, and at each stage, listing the points tested, the quantity of products sampled, and the results.

However, our role is not to observe the problems, if they appear, but to recommend solutions in consultation with the manufacturer. We are on site: our responsiveness is instantaneous. We don’t come back to you with problems, but with solutions

In order to be able to clear the goods as soon as they arrive in your country, you must have all the necessary documentary bundle: invoice, packing list, bill of lading, and sometimes certificate of origin or conformity.

Onesource Agency service goes all the way: we make sure that all documents are in order before sending them to you, because our expertise also revolves around all techniques related to international trade.

Likewise, if you are not yet used to importing, we will assist you in the steps to take and recommend the most reliable transport providers … For having practiced them ourselves.

This guarantee and this follow-up will allow you to receive the goods in peace.

One of our greatest strengths is our presence in the field, with Chinese suppliers. If a problem occurs, or a difficulty arises, Onesource Agency is your relay: if we are not already there, we go to the factory immediately to understand the problem encountered, and find the the most suitable and fastest solutions, and ensure in situ that these solutions are carried out.

Responsiveness cannot be as fast from the West, nor as efficient: you need a visa, buy a flight ticket, and once there, benefit from someone’s expertise, someone who is used to working with China. It is only with this expertise that the most serene solutions can be addressed.

We are in China, and if we are not already in the factory, we will be there within 24 hours. We know the Chinese mentality, and the working methods: behind the explanations, we will more easily understand the real content of a difficulty, and can respond to it with more effective solutions