About us

Interested in learning more about us? Our story and how we operate? You've come to the right place.

At Onesource Agency, trust isn't just an option—it's fundamental. Here are a few lines to help you get to know us better.

image d'une métropole asiatique.

A little History…

Since 1995, Christophe Pavillon, founder and manager of Onesource Agency, has successfully purchased wide ranges of products in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

First, for eight years, he worked in France for an importer of Chinese electrical products. He therefore knows very well the difficulties with which importers are dealing, as well as their need for follow-up, on the spot, in China: he has experienced all these problems himself!

In 2003, out of passion for China, he moved there, and joined a factory whose production was devoted to export. In addition to sales management, he improved the internal organization. He therefore also knows very well the structure of Chinese companies, their limits, and both the Chinese thought logic and working methods.

It was on the wealth of this accumulation of experience as a French importer and Chinese manufacturer that in 2005 he decided to set up Onesource Agency, to put himself at the service of Western SMEs wishing to buy in China.

Because he knows that in the long term, managing purchases in China from the West can only generate problems and misunderstandings, unless, on site, there is someone who can be trusted, and whose mission is to prevent problems rather than facing them.

Since then, Christophe Pavillon’s objective, through Onesource Agency, has remained the same: to enable Western SMEs to benefit from his transparency, his expertise in sourcing, Chinese culture, and especially better purchase prices and new products.

... To talk about the future!

Entrusting a third party to manage its purchases is not an easy decision to make. However, it is difficult to consider recurring supplies in China without having a very reliable presence there.

Trust and transparency remain the primary assets of Onesource Agency. The goal of this entrepreneur-to-entrepreneur partnership is to make you more competitive. We don’t work for you: we work with you. As a result, we don’t have “clients”: we only have partners.

Some SMEs hesitate for a long time before sourcing from China: opacity of the culture, distance, time difference, language, incomprehension of working methods and cloudiness over the reliability of suppliers. All of these risks and limitations are real, and most of them are difficult to overcome, or even apprehend, from the West.

SMEs that trust us have won market shares and have optimized their margins. After they (sometimes reluctantly !) started to buy in China, all these companies have then fed us with regular requests to source new products, and keep on doing so! …

Product specialization

As soon as we are mandated by a company as their purchasing department in China, we forbid ourselves working with any competing company on the same products and in the same market. As a result, Onesource Agency does not specialize in a defined product line.

Our expertise does not relate to a product range.

Our expertise covers both international trade techniques linked to China, as well as Chinese culture and its repercussions on business flows with the West, for the benefit of SMEs who trust us.

Our role is complementary to yours: you know the products, and we know the manufacturers, as well as their working methods. This complementarity should be seen as an asset for both parties, as it is at the heart of the partnership.

Onesource Agency therefore remains open to any request for purchase in China, for any product. It can be the pure sourcing of an existing item as well as the technical development of your own product.

For reference, however, we have had to work on a very wide range of items, and often very technical: cosmetics, electronics, electrical tools, home textiles, luggage, small household appliances, baby clothes, solar installations and energy saving items, outdoors, creative leisures, jewelry, printer consumables and computer accessories, packaging, underwear, gifts, small furniture, frames and mirrors, eyewear, etc… This list is far from exhaustive, but proves our adaptability whatever the type of products.

Partnership conditions

With us, you purchase directly from the manufacturer in China: you know him, as well as the real purchasing price. Transparency is, and remains, total. You are also welcome in China to visit your suppliers with us, and we invite you to do so: this will only make our relationship and our partnership more efficient.

Our service is invoiced independently by Onesource Agency, and is based solely on the result, through a percentage commission on your purchases.

To find out precisely about the partnership conditions with Onesource Agency, contact Christophe Pavillon directly at christophe@onesource-agency.com, briefly detailing your needs. Your request will get his full attention, and he will be happy to respond to you within 24 hours.

Besides of the usual full sourcing service, our flexibility allows us to offer tailor-made services. Contact Christophe Pavillon at christophe@onesource-agency.com with your request.